Nithin Raj

Welcome to my side of the internet. This is where I dump all my thoughts, learnings and observations.

I’ve been coding from 2018’ish and never stopped since then. The joy of creating something out of thin air still leaves me in disbelief. Over the past few years I’ve written Go, Java, Kotlin(for Android), JS, TS as an hobbyist.

In 2021, I graduated from Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering with a Computer Science degree. Currently working as a Senior Engineer at a fintech company where we provide business intelligence to financial institutions to make smart decisions when it comes to lending.

My passion for software engineering grew exponentially after watching Silicon Valley, HBO(100% recommend). I am obsessed with this idea of becoming a self sufficient person who can create whatever he can think of. I believe I’m on a right path to achieve this absurd goal.

Converting known unknowns to knowns.

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